Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tonight's WOD

Here is the WOD we did at tonight's 6pm session. Enjoy! As always, if you do this workout, please post your results or feedback in the "comments". Thanks.

Warm up - Run 400 meters
Stretch/Range of Motion/Mobility as you see fit

Skillz and Drillz:
  • Hang Power Clean review + 2X5 with a challenging yet managable weight
WOD #1:
  • Front Squat 5X5. First 2-3 sets bringing the bar into the racked position from the high hang position using the Hang Power Clean we just reviewed. Increase load so that the last 2 sets are very challenging and require assistance getting into the racked position, i.e. a weight heavier than you can Clean.
WOD #2:
3 rounds for time of...
  • Leg Blaster - 20 Air Squats, 20 Alternating Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Jumping Lunges (10 each leg) and 20 Jump Squats. Props to Rob Shaul of Mountain Athlete for the "Leg Blaster" series, except I adjusted it to 20 Jump Squats rather than 10. You are welcome, guys : )
  • Sit Up X 20 or Crunches X 40
  • Burpee's X 10 (remember the Burpee includes the full push up and jump squat)
Fastest times tonight were from Kelly and Danielle who finished the workout, as prescribed, in 11:18. Everyone kicked ass and really put in a big effort. Good job, all!


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