Tuesday, September 22, 2009

WOD of the Week:

This WOD is of my own design, though it falls in line with the CrossFit principles.

Warm-up/Stretch/Range of Motion Drills

Skillz and Drillz of your choice - work on a few movements that challenge you or those you want to refine; perhaps working on what we learned last week - squats, push press, or other movements such as pull ups, etc. Do not work to failure, just work technique.


21, 15, 9 reps of -

Push Press (learned this last week!) - Men's weight = 95# Women's weight = 65#

Wall Ball - Men's weight = 20# Women's weight = 14#

Kettlebell Swing - Men's weight = 50# Women's weight = 35#

Sit Up


If you do not feel comfortable with or do not know the "push press" you may sub in box jumps.

“Wall Balls” can also be seen on the exercise demo page at CrossFit.com. Be sure to go into a deep squat on these!

The suggested weight is what we are working towards and I suspect few if any in our group are fully ready for these loads, as such, scale the weight back to something that you can manage, yet something that challenges your limits.

If you cannot do sit ups, do crunches and double the number of reps; instead of 21 sit ups you would do 42 crunches, etc.


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